Saturday, August 14, 2010


Derek is gone from 7:30 am to 6 and 7:30 pm to 10 every day. I am at home with Jack. There are no sidewalks in our neighborhood so we can't go on walks. The only park nearby smells like pot. You can only go grocery shopping and to the library and to playgroups so many times. I haven't started my job yet, and Jack is pretty happy to play with his toys on the floor or nap. This leads to a boring, boring, boring life. There is one thing that has saved me:
I don't know why it never appealed to me before we moved here. Maybe it's because I don't like waiting for movies to come in the mail (I didn't know you could stream them!), maybe it's because I was a student and didn't have much time for movies anyway. But now I've decided it's the best thing ever. We stream movies directly to our Wii. So basically a giant library of movies and TV shows is available to me, while I sit on the couch (and we wonder why our society is

Now I'm going to tell you how lazy I've been, as evidenced by how much I've watched.
1. All of Pushing Daisies. It's a great show, it's a shame it got canceled.
2. Two seasons of Arrested Development, which I've seen before, but I forgot how hilarious it is.
3. Several documentaries--One about Wal-Mart (never shopping there again, BTW. I've always hated it but that documentary was the push I needed to swear it off altogether.) Also lots about food, such as Super Size Me, Food Inc, and some other similar ones.
4. Workouts! I love being able to do a different one every day! See, I'm not totally lazy.

The other thing I do to entertain myself is to dress up Jack and take pictures of him. Here's a recent gem.


I have two pretty awesome siblings. I'm the oldest, Holli is two years younger than me, and Ryan is two years younger than her. They're both doing something pretty remarkable right now. Holli has been serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Fiji for the last 10 months. Ryan left on a mission just this week, and will be serving in North Carolina.

Since I'm the oldest, I'm the one that should be the good example, right? But I'm not. These two have taught me a lot more than I've taught them. It takes an amazing amount of faith to put your life on hold to spread the gospel. I'm so proud of the two of them. I love you guys!