Thursday, September 30, 2010

Not Dead

Wow, I haven't blogged in forever. I'm not dead, just crazy busy. I always feel like no one really cares what's going on with me anyway, and they probably don't, but I love keeping up with my friends on their blogs so I'd be a hypocrite if I don't at least try to keep mine updated.

My excuse for not blogging: work. Life is pretty crazy right now. Here's how it goes when I work day shift: Up at 5:30. Lightning fast shower. Get dressed. Breakfast. Pump. Wake up Jack. Get him dressed and fed. Derek drives me to work by 7 and the Jack to the babysitter and then himself to school by 8. Derek picks up Jack at 4 or 5, depending on the day. Pick me up from work at 7:30. Go home, eat dinner, and put Jack to bed. Go to bed and do it all again.

Luckily, this is only 3 days a week, and usually only 2 in a row. The good news is that soon we will be getting a new car to ease the driving burden on Derek!

Still, we have found time to do some fun things. I'll post about those soon.

For now, I'm just going to do a little developmental update on Jack. He's a busy little boy and is constantly exploring. He has started to scoot on his tummy but mostly he just rolls to get around. We got him a walker and he loves being upright and feeling like he's a part of everything. Also, he's proving to be a good little eater. He loves peas, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, cheerios, and bananas. Oh, and meatloaf. Yes, meatloaf.

I went crazy taking pictures the other day.

He loves playing with leaves! He kept trying to eat them.
I love this kiddo!
What a handsome boy.