Jack is in a new phase where he WILL NOT take a nap for me. If Derek or the babysitter is taking care of him, he'll take 4 (yes 4!) hour naps. For me he will usually only do 2. Except in the last week or so where he will not nap AT ALL for me! He gets so excited and just wants to play or eat all the time. This is a problem today especially because I have to work tonight and I need to get some sleep!
So, even though Derek is supposed to be studying for a big final on Monday, I sent him to Target to buy this:

The hope is that Jack will jump so much that A. he entertains himself and I can sleep and Derek can study, and B. that he gets really tired and will take a super long nap.
Will it work? Probably not. But it's worth the slim chance that it will to me. It's amazing how many ways there are to make suckers out of us parents, isn't it?