Friday, December 3, 2010

Why I Love My Job

Yesterday at work I got to be a part of one of the most touching deliveries I've seen so far. Every delivery is emotional, as there is nothing quite like watching new parents meet their baby, but this one was extra special.

The woman delivering the baby was a surrogate. She had 3 children of her own and had volunteered to carry a baby for another couple. I don't know exactly whose egg and sperm were involved, but the ones who would be taking the baby home were present, as was the husband of the pregnant woman. I didn't ask why they were in this situation since it wasn't relevant to my job, but obviously the couple who wanted a baby thought this was never going to happen for them.

As the baby started to crown, the mother watched and tears poured down her face. She repeatedly said that she thought this day would never come. I'll never forget the look on her face when the baby came out and she cut the cord (it was everything I could do not to start crying). The baby (a boy) had a little bit of a difficult delivery and needed to go straight to the warmer for an assessment, and I told the mother to go over and see him. She ran over to see her son and I stayed to take care of the woman who had just delivered.

The woman who delivered the baby laid in bed and watched the new mom bond with her son. I really don't know what the emotional implications of being a surrogate would be, and I don't know what kind of connection she felt with the baby. But she seemed very happy for this new mother. That is obviously a tremendous sacrifice--to give up your body for 9 months and risk possible complications so that someone else can have the opportunity to be a parent. What a special moment to be a part of. And that's why I love my job.


  1. That is so awesome! And an amazing sacrifice. It must have been amazing to watch.

  2. What a cool story! Labor and Delivery is such an amazing field! I'm sure you are an awesome nurse.

  3. Hey Heidi, this is Laura (formerly Slack). I hope you remember me :)

    I'm very glad I stumbled on your blog, because I have thought about you and Derek, and have been hoping that life is going well for all of you.

    Feel free to stop by my blog:

  4. I'm so glad you are liking work. I've been thinking about you and your job a lot (as I am still applying with no luck :( ). I know it's a sacrifice for you to work, but I can tell you are a big blessing for so many women- that hospital is lucky to have you!

  5. Heidi, I just randomly found your blog when I was looking at another blog. How fun that you get to work in L&D, and your little boy is very cute. Hope all is well!

    -Nicole Fletcher
