Before this I'd only been to Georgia at Christmas time, and once in August. I decided that I love it there in the Springtime--it's absolutely beautiful. There are blossoms everywhere and gorgeous greenery. I had already decided that I love the architecture there and would be very happy living in a big southern house, but the Springtime visit closed the deal. I am seriously considering living there someday. Here are pictures of some of the amazing flowers. Derek's Nana grew these ones.
After Georgia it was time for graduation. My aunt let me borrow the baby-sized graduation outfits her twins wore when my uncle graduated. Jack looked adorable--see for yourself!
What a good feeling to finally graduate! Now all I have to do is take the NCLEX-RN, which is the nursing board exam, and I'll officially be a registered nurse!
Since graduating, we moved to my parents house for the next couple months, until it is time to move to Pennsylvania for Derek's medical school. We'll probably leave around the first week of July. I've never lived outside of Utah before--scary! In the meantime, we're just enjoying this brief stretch of time when neither of us is in school. This is the first time that's happened since we got married! Too bad it's short-lived--med school starts July 24th.
One week after graduation, we went down to San Diego for Bre's wedding. It was amazing! I had never been inside the San Diego temple before, and it was incredible. The reception was on a yacht (wow) and was awesome. It was a beautiful wedding. This trip was our first time away from Jack. He stayed with my mom and was just fine, but we sure missed him. We only stayed for 3 days because we wanted to hurry and get back. Still, we found time to play on the beach in addition to going to the wedding. Sadly, we forgot to take our camera on the yacht so no pictures.
Uh...the end! I'm sure I'll have more to write about soon!
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