Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lake Erie

Life has been a blur since we got to Erie! It's been wonderful to have no responsibilities and just enjoy life. Too bad that can never last long. Derek starts school on Monday, and I just got a job (which is another post). But in the meantime we've just been organizing our townhouse, and exploring Northwestern Pennsylvania (not that there's much to explore).

The best thing about Erie is of course the lake. If you've ever been to any of the great lakes you know that you might as well be at the ocean--they are huge! You can't see the other side, and the waves are bigger than you'd think (maybe a little smaller than the Gulf of Mexico). Lake Erie is beautiful. Here's a picture of us on the beach.
We stuck our feet in the water, expecting it to be freezing cold. But it wasn't--it was pleasantly warm! You could easily swim in it. We haven't found time to do that yet but hopefully we will before Summer is over.

Just yesterday we went rollerblading on a trail along an alcove of the lake. It was pretty hot and humid but fun nonetheless. Jack loved riding in his stroller with Derek pushing it on rollerblades, probably because it was faster than the usual walking.
So it turns out there IS some fun stuff to do in Erie! You should definitely come visit :)

Let's see...what else have we been up to? I can't find a food co-op for produce only here, I can only find ones where you get beef, eggs, etc, which would be great, but they're pretty expensive. Maybe someday. We did, however, find a really great farmer's market that has lots of really good locally grown produce. We've made some excellent salsa with it and will be doing more soon.

Now for a developmental update on Jack! He finally started rolling over a couple days ago. He started sitting up several weeks ago, and that's not really supposed to happen until after rolling over, but he's finally all caught up. He loves to be up with mommy and daddy, doing whatever we are doing. We used to be able to just put him on the floor with some toys and he'd entertain himself but that doesn't work anymore! He always wants to be held or at least up on our level. That's why we got him this high chair.
He's not eating solid food yet, but he still loves to be up at the table with us when we're eating.

Maybe sometime soon I'll feel inclined to post something informative or interesting, but for now I'm just feeling like being journal-y.


  1. Fun! The lake is huge! And, Jack is cute as always. I like that chair - do you like it rather than a traditional high chair? Good luck with your new job (can't wait to hear about it) and Derek's first day of school!!

  2. Oh that little Jack is so stinking cute! It makes me excited for my little boy! And I want to hear all about the new job!
