Tuesday, July 13, 2010


So of course the week that we are moving in to our new place I come down with the first cold I've had in, like, a year. And of course I gave it to Derek. It's not anything too bad, but enough to be really annoying. I'm sure that the diet of fast food we've lived on as we've been getting our kitchen into working order hasn't helped.

Jack, thankfully, has not shown any signs of having a cold. But he does hate it that I have one. For some reason, sneezing and nose-blowing scare him to death. If I sneeze or blow my nose while nursing, he let's go, looks at me with wide terrified eyes, and screams until I latch him back on. Maybe it makes the milk shoot really hard into his mouth--I don't know. All I know is that I'll be glad when this cold is gone.

But other than the cold, things are going swimmingly! We love our new place. It is huge compared to our last apartment. It has a basement with a washer and dryer and lots of storage space, a main floor with a living room, kitchen and bathroom, and an upstairs with two bedrooms and a bathroom. For once we actually have a place to put everything! The main floor is about the size of our entire old apartment. And here's the kicker--the rent is about the same. Once we get it all organized I'll post some pictures.

Derek starts school a week from Monday. And we want to make a trip to Pittsburgh this week (it's the closest big city, and it has Ikea and Costco! Yes!) Life is good!

Sorry about this rather boring update--if you're still reading you must really love me :)


  1. Bummer about the cold! I hope you guys feel better soon! I can't wait to see pictures of your new apartment. I'm jealous of your newfound space :)

  2. haha. i read skyler the part about jack, breastfeeding and sneezing, we laughed very hard. i hope he can overcome his fear and we hope you get better soon so he doesn't choke on your power sprayer! Miss you guys already, its weird that you aren't close and we wont be seeing each other in sept!

  3. Oh man! Peyton hates sneezes too! That sucks that you're all sick while moving in. I'm jealous that your rent is almost the same as Harmony Square while ours is over 3 times as expensive. Geez! We are planning to be here over Christmas so if you're in the neighborhood, we'd love love love to see you! We're also going to GA for Thanksgiving... are you?
    Oh yes, and Kristin told me that she met you. So crazy! She's my VT companion!
